For those of you needing serenity now, you can get the complete Seinfeld scripts here. And I’d never noticed that every episode started with ‘The’.
Web Essentials 05
Was over in Sydney for Web Essentials 05. It was cool. Here’s a picture of Eric Meyer, who was one of the highlights for me.
And below, Doug Bowman, another personal highlight, chats to Roger Hudson (who gave a great talk on accessible forms).The old school looking hotel across the road from our hotel. The red and white sign became a landmark for me.
I love it when this happens
This is great, the Microsoft movie Halo (which is being made in Wellington) is being produced on Linux servers.
Web site redesign is pain
Urg – what the hell was I thinking when I marked up this site!? It’s amazing how your entire approach changes as you gain experience – I have a bad case of div-itis and class-istis…
Web Essentials
Back from Web Essentials 05 and lovely Sydney. Great conference! Have started to re-write this blog, and there will be a number of changes. Have also signed up to technocrati – Technorati Profile
DIG! the movie
Went to Dig! last night – awesome film. Funnier (nearly) than Spinal Tap, and waaaay more rock’n’roll than Some kind of Monster. It’s about the Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. The Brian Jonestown Massacre were pure rock’n’roll – chaotic and high as kites, quite the contrast to the Dandy Warhols. Great entertainment and great music.
In other news, I am now exclusively using Linux on the laptop. Still a few things to sort out, like power management (standby problems mostly). But URPMI has been a Linux changing experience and must be one of the best kept secrets of Mandriva linux. I’ve also installed Debian on a mate’s server (which has been highly entertaining), and Debian is also awesome. Debain’s equivalent of URPMI is apt-get. It too is great and appears to offer a few advantages over URPMI.
Fun with Tux
I’m having plenty of fun with Linux on the laptop at the moment. Ha ha – I love the penguins at easy urpmi. I get the feeling that I’m going to love urpmi too.
Time ain’t on my side
No time for anything at the moment – including replying to messages left on the site. My apologies – I’ll be in touch soon with you pesky message leavers…. Spring has come to Wellington and we only had about two weeks of Winter months ago.
Plan 9 from Bell Labs
Plan 9 is an experimental operating system named after the worst film ever made.
Wireless Linux
Yeah! A quick change of wireless card and I’m using Linux wirelessly.