A Mac called Kate
So Kate the Mac has come to live at our house. I like the Mac packaging and make a special point of getting a photo taken with it. That’s how much it impresses me.
Later, I begrudgingly acknowledge that I also quite like the Mac.
But wait, what’s this? Larry the IBM (who looks rather unimpressed with Kate the Mac) can always connect to the wireless router. While Kate looks cool, she’ll have to endure having a poxie Dick Smith Electronics USB wireless adapter sticking out of her as OSX can’t reliably connect to the router like every other wireless enabled device in the house (that’s a Linux laptop, and two mobile phones, and various other random laptops that turn up wanting to bludge our bandwidth).
Lotus Notes 8 released
Not that I’ve used it for several years now, but I’m still interested in Notes/Domino. The Vowe bloggers have a few posts about the new version.
Full Code Press over – Kiwi team wins
The Kiwi’s have won what looks to have been a close battle. The two charity organisations are stoked, and it sounds like everyone’s knackered. Yay for FullCodePress!