I’m back after a hiatus. I’m also back in NZ rather unexpectedly, due to my fathers illness and somewhat sooner than anticipated death. It is spring here, and the weather is changeable. Temperatures go from warm(25) to f-ing cold(13) in half a day. However, it is great to be back in Wellington, a city that I never knew I had missed so much.
Died peacefully just before 2pm on the 22 of November. Thanks Dad, I will always miss you.
Firefox takes the lead!
OK, it’s only half way through the month and no-one much visits this site, but so far Firefox is just ahead of IE (all versions) in the browsers used stakes. And who’s the weirdo using Netscape 4.7??
The Power of Nightmares
Check it: The Power of Nightmares by Adam Curtis. A great doco about the role of fear in modern politics, looking at neo-conservatism and radical Islamists. It challenges a range of conventional notions such as the presence of an organised terrorist network like al-Qaeda and it sheds light on the neo-conservatism.
‘Al Jaz’
I like to check out Al-Jazeera for a truly different perspective. Since I saw the superb doco Control Room I have been interested in the angle the much maligned Al-Jazeera take. As they say at the station, nothing is taboo, everything must be reported.
On a trivial note, the web site doesn’t quite render in FireFox. An appeal to FireFox users who like their news lies opinion in different flavours: please visit the Aljazeera site and leave them a solid reason in form of a server log entry so they get their site working correctly in the browser of choice.
Respect to Mike Moore
Yep. Gotta hand it to the man. If you care to watch the last edition of the BBC’s most excellent Question Time you’ll see what I mean. Mike, do me a favour, you’re at your best live so quit it with the crappy books already. He (Moore) excels live or at least on screen and this is a textbook example of his humour defusing an argument and winning people over….