WOMAD Festival in New Plymouth.
WOMAD in Taranaki
Off to the WOMAD festival this weekend. Another three days of music, portaloos and ‘festival people’. No tenting this time – we’re staying on a Marae. Can’t wait!
Marlborough Food and Wine Festival
Forgot to mention that I went down to the Marlborough Food and Wine Festival the other weekend. Drank too much wine and had the mooother of all hangovers the next day, but it was worth it to catch up with some great friends and sample some fine wine. Tash was photographed for the local paper too.
Wellington Web Standards Group
Attended the Web Standards Group meeting on Thursday. The speakers (John Allsopp, Jonathan Mosen and Russ Weakley) were great, and it was fascinating to watch Jonathan, who is blind, surf the web using a speech reader. Accessibility was no longer an academic issue – seeing it used was an accessible-design affirming moment!
SoundSplash is cool
SoundSplash was neat. The vibe wasn’t as cool as Kaikoura Roots, but it was a great weekend regardless. Lots of driving, lots of beautiful NZ countryside.
Trinity Roots played their second to last gig and were amazing; I saw Katchafire for the first time, who were also great, and the Blood and Fire Soundsystem with the mister coolie Rankin Jo – a superb MC. Alas we missed Kora, but I’m sure to see them again soon.
No piccies, forgot…
mozillazine and things
Lots of gooood stuff on Mozillazine at the moment:
- Ben Goodger now works for Google
- Netscape 8 with cool new features to be released on the 17th of Feb. It will include the ability to render a page with either gecko or IEs rendering engine (and I thought that Netscape was dead?)
- Computerworld’s craaazy opinion piece about Firefox and the ensuing firestorm of rebuttal
- Sunbird (Mozilla calendaring and scheduling) announce their first official release, 0.2
- And a review at ExtremeTech about alternatives to IE
SoundSplash 2005
Off to the SoundSplash in Raglan this weekend. Looking forward to seeing the awesome Kora again. It’s going to be a long drive though, about 8 or so hours.
Fog in Wellington
Fog at 8:15
Fog at 8:25
Fog at 9:15, and planes are landing at the airport again.
Search box
The search box is back after a short holiday. Why did it go? When I hacked rejigged the way Domino served the pages I found that the search page wouldn’t work any more – I got a “HTTP Web Server: Application Exception – Documents treated as HTML cannot be edited” error. After guessing likely URLs I still couldn’t get it working so back to the less than perfect but usable current search page.
I rebuilt it using Jake’s most excellent article. However, the nasty work around I’ve resorted to to get this working is to leave the search page as it was: unpleasant, un-accessible, quirks-mode HTML. But at least the search is there in the meantime.