Meanwhile at Slashdot, lessons that Linux can learn from DOS on DOS’s upcoming 25th anniversary.
Sun’s Looking Glass
Bugger all time at the moment – but while installing a Domino 7 beta on my wee Linux server I stumbled across Sun’s ‘Looking Glass’ project – which is aiming for a funky looking 3D desktop…. The project is in its infancy, but check out the screenshots for an idea of where they’re heading.
Adobe buy Macromedia
This happened a couple of days ago apparently, read it here at slashdot. There goes another sector of healthy competition.
There’s another insight that’s just gone on slashdot here.
Revolution OS
If you’re a nerd who loves your software then Revolution OS is the doco for you. In fact, I’ve watched this film twice this week with three non-nerds and they also loved it as much as I did. It plots the rise of Linux and free/open source software. Lots of hyper-intelligent guys with beards, long hair and ethical business practices.
Drama on Wellington Harbour
I’ve been watching the drama unfold as a small capsized catamaran in Evans Bay is assisted by the harbour board rescue boat. A boatie capsized and although I thought that he was making progress in righting his boat, a rescue boat has arrived at the scene and is attempting to assist. Two smaller boats are checking out the action. It looks as though the stricken vessel is being towed onto the beach….
Things found on the road between Taranaki and Wellington
Aotea Waka Monument
Ten past three, Sunday the 13th of March, 2005
A wild example of great design
Faith Community Centre, North Island
Yep, that’s a tree
The death of Bar Bodega
Where the bar of Bar Bodega was – brushed aside along with the rest of the neighbourhood for an inadequate and unnecessary road
The front section of the old Bar Bodega building will be moved. The cafe was at the front of the building