Lost and Found
Found: Wigan, Maida Vale’s celebrity cat!
Lost: the search box on the home page (it’s been like that for months and no-one seemed to notice, mwa ha ha). If you need to search the site, click any link and search to your heart’s content. I have my best developer on it and it will be fixed any month now.
Today’s top tip: FileMaker Pro is weird.
Ch -ch- ch-changing
I think that I’ve swapped over to the new server with no issues (well, apart from rather stupidly overwriting the last two months of my email – dick). ‘Sweet as’ as kiwis in London say every two minutes. If you notice anything odd, be a sport and drop me a line.
CSS, menus, rounded corners and rollovers
I’ve been working on some CSS tabs/rollover menus that are a little different from anything else I’ve seen on the net (I always assume that someone’s got the answer already – but when I was looking pointers on Google I found nothing). When I get the padding sorted and it’s cross browser friendly I’ll post some info about it here and hopefully it will be of use to someone.
Oops – looks like stats logging has stopped on the site too. Frankly I’m not too surprised.
And Dean – if you’re looking – I’ve nearly got the wedding snaps ready to go online.
Health situation
I’ve got a cough. It ain’t getting better, I’ve had it nearly a month now, could be an infection, no one seems too sure. Each Doctor I’ve seen suggests different antibiotics. It’s a pain in butt, let me tell you.
Yahoo – 2GB
The good people at Yahoo have upgraded my POP mail service so that I now get 2GB of storage. If it wasn’t for the convenience of a mail client it almost defeats the purpose of using POP mail in the first place.
Back again
I’ve been having major issues connecting to the site recently – I’m not sure if I can blame a dodgey server/host for that or not…. For the record – I’m in New Zealand. Everything seems to be so easy to do here, except, I expect, leaving.
Wireless internet! Whoo-hoo!
Got a nice bundle from a supplier (who were slightly cheaper than e-buyer) that I will not name because they really screwed up – my order has taken nearly three weeks to arrive, they wouldn’t return my calls or answer my e-mails. I’m going to ask them for compo of some sort, and if I don’t get it I will name names. Bastards.
For those who are interested, I bought the D-Link DSL-G604T and got a free card thrown in. It seems to be great, I was set up in nearly no time. I had to bugger around with the config tool for a while as some strange stuff was happening (not finding the access point at all, or finding the access point but not connecting to the net) but it all appears to be ok now.