
After nearly 6 years of trouble free interneting, bucketFountain was compromised by evil-doers. The exploit involved changing a theme file so that it called a javascript file that inserted all sorts of hidden spam links into the footer. While I confess many of the links looked highly interesting, they had to go. The worst thing is that bucketFountain has been blacklisted by the almighty Google.

Needless to say I immediately upgraded (which was long overdue) and replacing the offending file in the theme.

A number of good things have come out of this:

If you run WordPress, check your blogs source now and go straight to the bottom, it will be obvious if there’s a problem.

2 responses to “pwned!”

  1. That footer hack/crack has been causing all sorts of mayhem. If you login to google webmaster tools you can make a reinclusion request, and hopefully they’ll take you off the black list.

    And thanks for the postcard from Cuba – dated 16 March – just arrived yesterday! 🙂

  2. Cuban mail is worth the wait! It’s a lovely place, there are so many reasons to visit. And I’ll be upgrading WordPress as soon as it’s upgraded.