The Ballard of Anthony Connell (the guy who did freedomBlog)

Always seemed to me that the dude got a bit of a hard time. Freedomblog was the first domino blog template that was freely distributed, and quite a few people based their own blogs on this template. I had a poke around it, but of course I could never use someone elses template (maybe just some of the bits I liked). Using a template I hadn’t developed would be like paying a man to fix things around your own house. I’m the kind of guy that will completely trash something that is broken while in the process of attempting to fix it, rather than concede to a tradesman.

Anyhoo, freedom blog was a nice piece of work, it had a full Notes client and web client interface, and many embellishments and fuzzy frills.

Jake at Codestore then released the template for his most excellent blog. Anthony critiqued it (no link sorry). As I remember, it was a fair enough critique, although perhaps he shouldn’t have mentioned that Jake had stolen the name DomBlog from Anthony.

This caused Jake to become angry and he had a go at Anthony. From memory, and my memory isn’t the best, a few other people also jumped on Anthony.

After that, Anthony, who had been writing in his blog regularly, just faded away. Then the other day, Heini reported that the site had gone. Now, forgive me if I read this the wrong way, and I’m aware that english is not Heini’s first language, and so I’m probably making something out of this that isn’t there, but even Heini seemed to have a bit of a ‘tude about it:

“Okay, I never used the tool, I rarely visited his site but in some way I do not like if someone leaves without saying good-bye.”

I’ll leave the last word to Ed Brill, and say ‘hear hear and well done mate’ to Anthony in advance:

“Anthony, if you are out there, thanks a lot for kick starting a healthy segment of this community, and good luck in your future.” – Ed Brill