anti-war March, #16

Mahatma Gandhi said: “The science of war leads one to dictatorship pure and simple. The science of nonviolence can alone lead one to pure democracy”. I’ve been thinking about what our democracy really means in the light of so many democratic processes being ignored because they are inconvenient to the means of our political leaders. It seems to me that Bush and the Republicans are as much of a dictator as Saddam – they want their way and are determined to have it, in spite of the number of people, governments, and even the UN, telling him otherwise. Is our democracy just a front for a dictatroship?

Friday night: The guys at work have a DJ night every month or so. When I say a DJ night, I don’t exactly mean Fat Boy Slim. No disrespect to the technical ability of the DJ’s they get in, but it’s the music that they have to play. You know, West-Life, Celine Dion dance remixes, The Eagles, and the like. The dude dj-ing on Friday night liked dub. And in the middle of some top forty hits abomination he would lay in heaps of reverb. Beautiful. And the look on the faces of some of the punters! I think that they thought the guy was having ‘technical issues’….. After that we went to a bar which I managed to get myself thrown out of. Bastards.