Run for election as an MP. Campaign on a range of serious social and economic issues. Then, on election night, reveal to the constituency that you are in fact a piece of conceptual art.
How many entires for the month so far? A dismal three if you count this.
What have i been doing? 60 hours at work last week. Why the mad hours? Not because I work in a shoe factory in South East Asia. The crazy week and a half of work in one week was part of an attempt to finish what has been called an ‘intranet’ at work. Technically it is an intranet, but it’s not *really* an intranet. I can’t be fucked writing the details now so you’ll have to take my word for it. I’ve learnt about what not to do when building a flat HTML/ASP web site with no back end to speak of. The lesson – it’s just a plain old BAD IDEA. Some positives too – should I ever get around to updating the back end of this site.
So I’ve had bugger all time for personal email, site updates and paying bills (we have a court summons for unpaid council tax – bastards!).