Union Jack Hats

Today sees the addition of a new section on the bucket fountain, the ‘snaps’ link. This has actually always been in the design, I was just never happy with it so never had a link to it. Then I broke it and have only just gotten around to fixing it. The whole thing makes me think that the navigation after the home page now has to change to allow for people with lower screen resolutions. Oh well, that’s life I guess. I was actually about to start another web site, the domain name I like is still available too which is a bonus. But now I’m thinking that I should probably get on and do all the other things that I wanted to do with the bucket fountain. Hmmm.

I saw on CBS that Osama Bin Laden action figures are now available. Reminds me of the jedi Star Wars figures I loved so much as a kid. Also reminds me of a handheld computer game I saw for sale in Spain or Portugal, called “Bin Laden Vs America” which was decorated with the 9/11 tragedy. Tasteful.

Some books I’ve been reading lately:

Che Guevara’s “Motorcycle Diaries” . These are Che’s diaries detailing a bitchin’ road trip around South America with his pal Alberto. They start out on, wait for it, a 500cc Norton! When it falls apart they continue by all manner of means. It’s hard to tell how much of the book was written long after the events. Che seems like a largely normal, happy go lucky lad on an adventure at the beginning of the diaries. He ocassionally mentions revolutions, buy by the end there are a couple of passages that sound as though they were written by a far more impassioned revolutionary. Were those passages added years later? Was it because of what he saw on his travels? Or was it because he also visited Miami?

An autobiography of Che, by Andrew Sinclair , which is part of a series of ‘pocket biographies’, is a brief over view of the man. It is short and easy to digest. I recommend it to anyone who wants an introduction to the guy that so many people have posters and tattoos of.

“The Big Lie” , is an alternative and highly controversial analysis of the events at the Pentagon on the 11th of September by Thierry Meyssan. This is pretty crazy shit! His premise is that the pentagon probably wasn’t hit by a plane, due to the nature of the entrance hole and the almost complete lack of aircraft wreckage. There are a number of web sites that refute some of his theories very well, and I recommend that a thorough web search should follow reading this book. Meyssan has been called all sorts of things by people who find his theory offensive. The inconsistencies and oddities surrounding that awful day must surely make even the staunchest republican think there is more to this than we’re being told, and this is the first book I have read that has addressed some of these.

As someone who received all their information on these terrible events through a handful of TV stations and newspapers, I think that any fresh analysis is welcome.

Also popped into the Economist shop on Haymarket the other day, and bought Divided Jerusalem . I hope this will give a little more background on the region, which I have realised recently I really don’t know enough about.